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Math Nerd

Welcome to my homepage! I'm a third-year undergraduate majoring in Computer Science and Math at Indiana University, with minors in Spanish and Philosophy. In what free time I have, I run and play the violin. My favorite book (right now) is Gödel Escher Bach, my favorite programming language is Racket, and my favorite JavaScript framework is null.

My Projects

Chess Tournament Simulator External Link

See how different results impact the outcomes of chess tournaments.

Inspired by Chess by the Numbers and The Upshot NFL Playoff Simulator

Made with Javascript and HTML.

Wane Chess Engine

A basic chess engine made from scratch to learn more about the internal components of a chess engine.

Includes move ordering and a transposition table.

Made with Lua and inspired by TSCP

Mega Puzzle

An interconnected puzzle extravaganza, inspired by the MIT Mystery hunt.

2023: Tetris, Joust, and Punch Out

2024: Preoccupational, Behind Bars, Force Checkmate, Standardized Testing, and More!

Made with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS

Sorting Algorithm Visualizer

Visualizer for 4 basic sorting algorithms

Made with JavaScript and HTML

Mandlebrot Set

Calculating and displaying the Mandlebrot set.

Made with Lua and Löve